The Good Neighbours by Emily Unsworth White

  • £270.00
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Title: The Good Neighbours
Artist: Emily Unsworth White
Medium: woven textile made from found material, watercolour on linen
Size: 40 cm x 30 cm 
Framed in a simple wooden floating frame, measuring 40cm x 50 cm

‘Who would like to dance today with a gift that the faeries gave me. Holding high a branch of May, a gift that the faeries gave me.’

Garlands of brilliant light laden the arms of the Thorn trees come merry spring. Delicate petals conceal barbed and interwoven innards, complex in their dance of life. Small creatures and faerie folk traverse realms amongst these interlocking branches. Living and loving as the sun rises and sets, nestled in their thorny worlds, protected by their hedgerow guardians of light.

Do not harm the white blossoming trees, especially near Beltane or Samhain. The folk fiercely protect them and will take vengeance against any injustice.

‘Dance away, dance away, holding high a branch of May. Dance away, dance away, with a gift that the faeries gave me’

‘Dance Away’ Hawthorn blossom May song, origin unknown.