Kittiwakes with Rum in the Background by Kieran Austin
Landloch by Patricia Paolozzi Cain
Languages That Are Made to Die by Patricia Paolozzi Cain
Les Mots Croisés by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Life Drawing by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Lough by Patricia Paolozzi Cain
Love by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Lush by Sarah Randles
Magpie on Branch by Kieran Austin
Midden by Maureen Nathan
Milnton Diptych by Patricia Paolozzi Cain
Night Gardner by Maureen Nathan
Orchid by Maureen Nathan
Paint Experiment by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Pilea by Maureen Nathan
Pour Away the Ocean by Patricia Paolozzi Cain
Razorbill by Kieran Austin
Recast by Patricia Paolozzi Cain
Rising by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Sant Lluc Pose by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Scar by Patricia Paolozzi Cain
Self Portrait by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Six Poses by Greg Genestine-Charlton
Stepping Stone by Greg Genestine-Charlton